Kingdom Come - Vigoz 502

Ivo wasn't the only one that was searching for love. Tille liked Orlando a lot but she wanted to take her time.. She wanted someone that was established in Kingdom Come, not someone just getting here. 

Ivo took his relationship with Meadow further. He had to marry her now.

Hubie was also finding love.. Maybe not love but he cared for Marsha a lot. She was beautiful and funny but he just wasn't sure if he was ready for all that responsibility. 

"Is Saint Hubie finally finding his interest in women!!"
"Urg Till, let go!"

The teens were the only ones with problems. The adults were arguing about every little thing as well. The times were hard and stressful. 

The times weren't hard for everyone though. Ivo proposes to Meadow.

"This is too soon, he should not be marrying this girl."
"Tuh, leave it alone Alf. This is not our business to tell this boy how to live his life."


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