Project H - 1.0
Year 1 - Spring - The Goth's
The Goth's, the name was infamous around Sim City so it was no surprise to Bella when Malcolm Landgraab Sr. approached her husband about a project he was doing. What did surprise her was the assignment.
Apparently there was an old town that use to be called Howe's Creek. Everyone in town one day just disappeared but Malcolm Sr bought it, renamed it, Willow Creek, and wanted Mortimer plus a few other sims from Sim City to repopulate the area.
What surprised Bella even more was that her husband accepted the assignment. All he could say to her was "Honey, think of the possibilities."
Bella missed her friends, her life, the parties, the events, hell her comfortable couch. There wasn't even power or water in town. Mortimer really had her out here chopping wood for a fire for warmth! Bella just couldn't understand why they couldn't have picked a warmer time to move out here.
Mort: Hey honey, how's it going?
Bella: Do you see my face? Does it look like I am enjoying myself?
Mort: Hang in there honey. I promise this will be all worth it in the end.
Bella didn't know about that. Soon after Mortimer left her side she called it quits and found herself something better to do.
Her dad use to take her fishing all the time and she didn't mind it. She figured why not pick the hobby back up again.
But soon her attention was taken from her when she heard some voices down the way. She peeked over and saw some sims standing by the water and decided this was her chance to make her stake in Willow Creek.
She met up with a lady name Lily Feng. The two ladies talked for a while and Bella found out Lily Feng and her Husband lived in the city a bit away but she often came to the creek for the mystery of it all. She didn't have much information about what happen, nothing new at least, but Bella enjoyed talking to her either way.
They said their goodbyes and Bella headed home.
Once home Bella was shocked to find a pretty young girl standing on her porch. This of course made Bella think about how she needed to reno this porch if Bella Goth was going to be living with it. Soon her attention went back to the lady.
The two talked for a bit and that was when Bella learned that 12 years ago all the fish in the creek had died from a chemical melt down at the old factory. Interesting Bella thought.
Once Bella had sent the girl home she went inside to a silly Mortimer.
Bella: Mort what in the world are you doing?
Mort: Seducing you..Is it working?
At this Bella couldn't help but laugh.
Bella: Oh baby, I am so sorry I have been such a sour puss about this whole thing. I just have never been a fan of change.
Mortimer: I know Honey.
While Bella spent her days mingling, Mortimer spent his catching fish and researching them. He wanted to get some data together and hopefully find out the mysteries of this old abandoned town.
Bella didn't spend her whole day mingling though. She had recently started to feel very sick and couldn't figure why. She hoped it had nothing to do with this town but she made a mental note to talk to her husband about it either way.
On the bright side, her and Lily were getting closer and they often talked on the phone and had visits frequently.
Before long Bella found out she was expecting and that kicked her investigation into high gear. She needed to know what happen to the people in this town to ease her mind for her to be baby.
No one seemed to have the answers though.
The only thing that was keeping her sane was her wonderful husband. He was so excited to be a father that it only made Bella more excited to be a mother.
All the experiments Mortimer had been doing lately on the fish life had been going well. He finally had a better understanding of how they all died 12 year ago.
Mortimer did his best to ease his wifes mind about the disappearances and the fish life but it wasn't very helpful.
When Mortimer wasn't researching the fish or the soil he was looking at this huge tree. Something about it was special he just knew it.
Bella was getting too wrapped up in the mystery though. She took the little bit of money the family had used it to have an inspector come out. Mortimer was not happy as the man didn't tell Bella anything new that Mort hadn't already told her.
Mortimer started his new job at Creek Labs Inc. With all his knowledge of the area already he was quickly promoted up.
While Mortimer was at work Bella went into labor. There were no hospitals or nurses in this small town yet so she was on her own.
Thankfully she gave birth to a healthy baby girl she named Cassandra.
Mortimer on the other hand was busy freezing people at work. He wasn't very popular with his co workers.
Life in the Creek wasn't all bad and even though Bella still wasn't it's bigger fan she had noticed so moving vans and was excited she wouldn't be alone here. All of her friends lived far away and couldn't always come visit her like she wanted them to. She was use to a huge circle of people and she just didn't have that anymore.
Before too long her little baby was a toddler and quite the charmer. Bella was very proud of her little girl.
Mort was in love too. He had always wanted a daughter. Someone with his wifes beauty and his brains.
Bella was miss popular in the Creek and often times when her friends were having a hard time they stopped by to talk.
Spring was ending fast and with it Bella threw a party for her friends. She had recently done an expansion on her home and wanted all of her friends to see the bigger space. It wasn't much but with Mort's salary they were able to get a bigger living room and kitchen. One step at a time Bella thought to herself.
One thing Bella couldn't wait for was power. Right now they had very limited power and while the party was going on her fridge broke and her oven caught on fire. Thankfully Mortimer had recently invented a ray gun and was able to put out the fire.
The First round was filled with lots of things that were fulfilled and that was nice. I am starting with 4 pleasantview families as founders but pre children so I am curious to see how different life turns out for them. I am not influencing anything about the children, gender or multiples so I was very surprised and happy The Goth's had a girl first. Next up is the Broke family with Skip and Brandi, lets see if he makes it to elderhood LOL.
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