The Baby Challenge - 1.0
Generation 1 I wonder how many generations it would take to have 100 babies if I randomized the number of children each generation had.. Hi, welcome to the baby challenge. This is my simself Hollywood who will be the founder. First thing first, simda dating app to find a baby daddy. Second, keeping my simself happy and healthy. Anyway, after painting a photo for some money to expand the house we call over the mystery man. Eric Lewis is who I chose. Him being married doesn't matter to me and we move him in quickly. The happy couple rolled 6 kiddos so I do not have time to be nice. I roll for a job for Eric and get Vet. YES, get me some money. Bang bang happens and Hollywood is pregnant! Eric pops the question to my simself (as he should) and she says yes. I get Holly into gardening just for things to do. But it is Eric that takes a liking to it. Love day happens and they are so cute together. Look at Gen ...