Project H - The Broke

 Year 1.1 - Summer

Brandi and Skip finally made it. This had taken them months 

It was late in the night when they settled in. Skip had a job interview early in the morning so they quickly ate some sandwiches before he went to bed. 

Brandi didn't have anything to do so she did some fishing until she got too tired to move. 

Skip was successful at his interview. On his way home his wandering eye was caught by a beautiful woman. She didn't stay around long letting him know she was just visiting. 

Bella and Mortimer stopped by to greet the new neighbors. Skip couldn't believe his luck when he saw Bella. Mortimer was not amused at the flirty Skip.

Bella: Well again, welcome to Willow Creek and I am so sorry about my husband. He isn't social. 
Brandi: It's alright, 
Bella soon left feeling really bad her husband had started an argument with the couple, making Brandi cry.  I mean was it really necessary to call them trailer trash?

Skip did his best to make Brandi feel better. They looked up at the clouds and picked out funny shapes like when they were kids. 

Brandi and Skip have such a wonderful relationship and spend a lot of time flirting with one another. 

Brandi spends a good amount of time fishing. She liked the new placed they lived but she wasn't a fan of her neighbors, The Goth. Or more so she wasn't a fan of Mortimer. He was incredibly rude. 

Brandi was trying her best to make to friends around Willow Creek but it was proving difficult. 

Skip got a job at a restaurant in a neighboring town and was practicing his culinary skills. He never went to school for this but he was hoping to impress his boss enough that it wouldn't matter.

Brandi couldn't understand what Bella saw in Mortimer. He was always grumpy and mean while Bella was the opposite. She was so sweet and caring.

Brandi: You made sugar cookies?
Skip: YEah! Tell me what you think.

While going for a daily jog Brandi sees a small garden and stand. She thought it was so cute and decided to get her husband and come back. The pair enjoyed their time at the small garden

Skip even met a super cool dude. He was a fishermen and apparently they were hiring. The job really peaked his interest.

Not everyone got along with Skip Broke apparently but they are mean to each other for a couple hours and Skip gets his mischief skill up. 

Brandi was fishing when Mort stopped by the fishing hole and then was just so mean to her. I don't know what his problem is.

Skip pranked his wife with drink, Brandi was not amused. 

He made up for it by making her a barbie drink that was really yummy. By this point Skip has forgot all about that Fishermen job, he has taken up Mixology and really loved it.

Poor Skip ends up losing his job... That ends summer time for the Broke family. 


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