Sliding Doors - 1.0

 Skyla Geary

We start off with Door 1. The part time job door. I look through my library and pick this girl.. I randomized her traits gave her an aspiration randomly and started up.

We buy this house and we are on the way.

The first thing she does is sit down with a book but then I remembered I needed to get her a part time job. Come to find out she has a job and skills! Shit, lets try this again. 

This time I create a sim so that I know she won't have skills. 

Carly Geary - Leader of the pack - Funny, Soft, Independent.

Her first whim is a selfie. I complete that easily 

Skyla heads to the computer to chat up some people before I get her a job.

She chooses Simfluncer. 

We accept the work assignment though Idk if I am going to complete it. 

Skyla meets Ace and rolls a bunch of wants for him. 

They are super cute together!

We find out one of his traits.. Repressed? What does that even mean!

Anyway, this chapter ends with some sweet kisses! These two are cute but she rolls the same 4 rolls for him. 


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