Year 2.2


Rose Berry

We make it to the second household for year 2.. The pups are playing a bit before we find out that Evee is sick. 

Since there is no vet in town yet Rose checks out Evee herself.. She does end up finding out what is wrong. 

Evee gets the meds she needs and then it is onto training. Here she is learning to shake. 

This makes 4/10 kisses for Rose. Working on her aspiration is slow going right now. 

Agnes Crumplebottom makes her transition into a vampire and thankfully did not burn to death. 

Jason stops by to play in our garage. I have Rose greet him and send him home.  

Kitty and Rose are still an item but they don't take their relationship too serious. Kitty spends the night but leaves before the sun comes up which is funny as she doesn't need to anymore. 

The next morning Rose grabs a drink at her bar before she gets a call from Kitty about a date. 

I send her and the two spend the better part of the afternoon hanging out. I really want these two to have a baby, I might do it Year 3.. 

Rose gets a promotion to Line cook but must get her degree before she can advance.. 

Louis calls Rose to tell her he had a fantastic date with Pocahontas.. 

I also learn I have a mod in my game that enables me to be to create townies! So I test it out and make this cutie. 

Year 2 for the Berry family ends with cute pictures of the pups.. Laserwolf is so cute it doesn't make sense. 
This year Rose didn't add to our population at all.. But next year she is finishing the first tier of her aspiration and having that baby!


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