Rachdale - CH 1 - Fall 1
Lets get into Fall 1 with CH 1. Princess and Queen Queen decides to give this cooking thing another try. She now has a wish to learn fire safety. LOL. I would too if I had set kitchens on fire. Someone knocked there trash can over and they got some roaches. My money is on Prince. He is quite the trouble maker. Queen was worried about Princess. She wasn't making friends or getting out much. She worked a dead end job for not a lot of money. Queen felt that the bubble blower was part of the issue. She made Princess get rid of it but that just made her go to Bubbles and Cash to get her fix. Of course wherever she went she caused trouble. Prince was tried of being painted as the bad guy because he couldn't stand Princess attitude. She had been the same hateful bitch when they were in the asylum BEFORE her boyfriend died. Now she was just a junky and a bitch. "Get out Princess. If you are gonna harass my employees just leave!" Qu...