Black History Challenge - 1890 - Atkinson


Thelma (Henson) Atkinson, 53y (Dead); Elijah Atkinson, 43y; Helene (Orozco) Atkinson, 44y; Ollie Atkinson, 13y; Maxwell Atkinson, 13y

The end of slavery wasn't great for everyone, a lot of enslaved people were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs and dream. The Atkinson family was such a family. After 5 years of struggling they finally bit the bullet and went into sharecropping. 

The work was grueling and Elijah didn't want this for his children so he often made young Maxwell read. They had sent him to school for as long as they could but now that he was a teen he was expected to help around the house some. 

The Atkinson's spent very long hours out tending the fields. Elijah could do nothing for the hurt and hate he felt for his wife having such a hard life. 

Exciting times were happening in the country, Joseph H. Rainey of SC becomes second black US congressmen. 

Joe was a good friend of the family and a sharecropper himself, he stayed late through the night talking about current events with young Ollie. If you asked everyone around town these two were going to be a thing in the future.

The family caught some ZZZs where ever and whenever they could. Elijah felt he was working way too hard to be making so little. 

Fall for the family ends with no money made and no happy endings. 


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