Furthemore - Winter 2000 - Johnson


Winter, 2000

Kamari Johnson, 18y

Event: Get yellow fever, roll d20 to determine survival 

Ari's first 'full' season starts with her being robbed blind lmfao. Kenny takes her newspaper for that day while she was sleep. 

Bright and early the next morning we start trying to complete her first ltw. I play LTWs a bit differently, My LTWs are all custom, and they have to complete 3 of them to get the permaplat. 

She doesn't make it to friendship level with Sandy but we see another sim walk by and have her greet him. He notices the strange man and ask Ari about it. 
T: What's up with that guy?
A: Oh him? That's my stalker.

After a busy day of making friends Ari finally sits down to some soup as she was not feeling so well. That was the reason she had sent home her guest. 

By the next morning her general unwellness had turned into full out coughing her lung up and trouble breathing. Ari was a tad worried but with no hospital in town there was no way for her to cure her illness. 

She tried her best to continue life as normal, on the phone, but her coughing got so bad she went to take a nap during prime make friends hour. 

Much later on in the evening some locals came over to chit chat, she let them in and even had a good laugh over poor Nicholas being scared by the neighborhood dog. 

Well into the morning of the same day the brutal cough Ari had been battling finally took the poor ones life. Kamari Johnson - 18y - Died in her kitchen surrounded by two almost friends, never completing her ltw. RIP. 

LMFAO - So yeah, My favorite sim, died! S1E1, can you believe this? AND from yellow fever at that? Oh my god. Thankfully she was able to pay her 1100 dollars in taxes before her ultimate demise, so thats a plus right?


Playable Sims: 1
Treasury: 21.1k
Downtown: No
Vacations: No

Available Jobs: 
Stay at home Parent: 0/2


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