Rolling Hills - Spring 0.1

 Lakes Family

My name is Trey Lakes.. I had a dream.. Did it get corrupted, yes but it didn't stop me from trying my best.. This is my story. 

I moved to a new town where I didn't know anyone.. I came from a rich family - a boring family. Old money and I didn't want that life anymore. 

The first person I met was some young green haired girl named Sonya.. She was nice but young.. Very young. 

I picked this location because of the mushrooms that grew around the area.. I had great plans. I wanted to start a business - hell an empire. 

I planted my seeds and went inside my small house. 

I didn't get to study very long before someone else stopped by to welcome me to the neighborhood.. She was pretty and seemed really nice. 

Over the weeks we became fast friends but I learned she was gay. 

Something I always wanted to do was learn mixology so when I finally had the money I opened up a bar. 

Sonya stopped by and we chatted a bit.. This is when I can say my life took an interesting turn.. Sonya informed me of the drug trade here in Rolling Hills.. I decided to take advantage. 

My first step was to secure a loan which I did with little issue. It was only 5k but it was enough to get me started. 

After that I accessed the black web to buy my cocaine. 

My luck with ladies continued on the path of negative.. I thought I had met a great woman but it turns out she only liked to have woohoo with men not date them. 

She would later become my best friend and right hand man as well as introduce me to a drug dealer named Tetsuya. He was small time but so was I at the time. 

My love for mixology continued and I was even getting good at it!

At this point Ayumi came over daily and I looked forward to seeing her. 

My spring really consisted of me meeting a bunch of people and keeping friendships up. 

Crime doesn't pay I guess and soon enough I got my first arrest. I was in jail for 24 hours before Ayumi was able to bail me out. 

"Thanks for coming to get me Yumi."
"Of course, what are friends/lovers for?"
We both laughed at this for a time before she went home. 

At this point Tet and I were also really close and he gifted me some beef jerky as a gag gift for when I go to jail.. I was only able to afford a public defender so the likihood was high. 

With my rep growing I was blessed with the big time dealer - he had great prices and after this case I couldn't wait to work with him. To bad I didn't get that chance.. I got locked up before that could ever happen. 


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