Rolling Hills - Spring 0.2

 Herrera Family

Life in this town was boring before Trey Lakes.. He was bringing excitement to this town.

My mom found out she was pregnant pretty late in life.. 

My dad was not excited about it at all. 

The worse part about this place was the lack of anything to do.. I have been bored my entire life.

Of course I had friends like Tubbs the rapper of course but that didn't change the lack of opportunity. 

My mom had her plants that she cared for really deeply. 

Trey's "empire", as he liked to call to it, brought a host of new sims.. Well Junkies but I understood his bigger purpose. 

One sim it brought that I care for deeply is Madisyn. She is so funny and great to be around. 

Another sim it brought was my girlfriend. She was truly such a beautiful person. 

With Tubbs and Meli I felt like this town wasn't so awful. 

I had another secret.. I was a heavy smoker. To bad I got caught by my parents. 

The way my parents made money never made sense to me.. how were we able to afford anything. My dad was an artist and my mom sold her flowers in bouquets. 

"You are grounded young lady, that is the end of this discussion."
"You act like you don't do drugs!"

My mom had always been more laid back then my dad which is why she is my favorite parent. 

Shortly after that conversation my mom went into labor - Did I mention there are no hospitals here? Anyway she gave birth to another little girl, Chloe. 

Even though I was grounded my parents were too busy with an infant to monitor me so Meilani and I snuck out to the only place there is to go in town. 

I wanted to join the gang. It was the only way to make money in this town and I was going to need it if I were going to get away. 

I got to meet the whole crew which wasn't very big but it was made up of some bad asses. 

Madisyn was also there which made me feel like I at least had one loyal person I could count on. 

The only person I did not get along with was a guy name Greg. He was such a hot head it was annoying. 

It was probably  a huge mistake for me to fight him.. The outcome was brutal

Thankfully my parents never found out I joined a gang or snuck out. They thought I was attacked on my way home from school. 

It took my face a while to heal and it was safe to say my friends were very surprised about it. 
"Whoa bro your face!!"
"I know, don't fight a werewolf!"
"I would actually never I don't know why you did."

"You've been hanging around some interesting people lately.. Anything you wanna talk about?"
I knew my mom was just checking on me and making sure I was alright and I appreciated that but I don't think even my mom would be happy about the news.. but I couldn't hold it in anymore. 
"I am pretty sure I am pregnant mom.."
My mom didn't reply she just came back with a test about a half an hour later. 

And just like I thought I was. 

Without hesitation my dad kicked me out. I wasn't surprised in the slightest. I packed my things quickly and moved out. I was able to make my own money now so it didn't matter. 

From what I know my parents are doing great. My sister is growing fast and learning so many things. I am determined to prove to them that I as well will be ok. 


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