Summary of 506

Welcome to the end of 506 and quite a few changes!
Let's start with the ROS 

1. Win 1000 dollars (house 8)**
2. Turn sim into a vampire (house 8)**
3. Lose all children to orphange (house 2)**
4. Win 5000 dollars (Raiders)**
5. Crops die (house 6)**
6. Green Thumb (Start veggie garden of d6 plots) 3 (House 7)**
7. House burns down (house 6) (3 sims die)**
8. Have a fight (House 2)**
9. House burns down (House 7) (6 sims die) **
10. Move in new family 
We started the first two months being pretty laid back considering. but of course that didn't last long, not with my rolls lol. If I am being honest everything about year 506 was fairly calm. Of course sims died but it didn't seem like so much because it was a lot at one time.. 
Roll 8 was actually suppose to be 7 sims die but for story purposes I didn't do that and just kill the three people that needed to die. This round really cut down on the amount of people I am playing which is nice.. 
Now lets get to the good stuff.. Roll 9 was a good roll because it marked the end of an era. We now have a queen, Ailish. We also learn that the raiders win the war in this month so lets talk about how things are going to change now that they have won the war. 

It took me so long to finish year 506 because I had to think what I was going to do or change since the raiders won the war.. I was stuck between having them live in Kingdom Come and everything staying the same OR having them move out and reinventing themselves.. I chose the latter obviously. 

The settlers have moved to the Kingdom of Miraowan. Many things will now change. First and foremost aging.. 
Aging is now realistic. Every settler has an age. Those ages now determine the grow up which also means a lot of sims will be around for longer times. 
The ages are as follows:
0-1 Baby
2-4 Toddler
5-10 Child
11-14 Pre-teen
15-18 Teen
19-25 YA
26-45 Adult
46+ Elder

Another thing that changes is because they move to a new place they have to start all over again but this time with a different rule set.. Rolls are still happening and will affect the settlers but I have a different list now for Miraowan. 

Another important fact: We are still going to be in Kingdom Come.. We are still playing the raiders. They are now there own Kingdom.. So it should be fun to watch them grow.. 

Since there will be two kingdoms it's safe to say eventually this will get really big. Months are still the same.. There are still 10  months in a year and birthdays will happen. Of course everything will be explained in depth when I find a home for this challenge.

A few mentions: I know Katelyn is suppose to be getting out of jail soon but everyone in jail obviously will have no one to come home too because they all left and they have no idea where they went.. Let's see how that plays out. 

LASTLY: This challenge will be moving! Everything I've played so far will stay here but I will be looking for a place for this blog that I like.. I love blogspot because of how easy it is to use and load an unlimited number of pictures right to it but Hollywood3015 is a catch all for all things I play when I am unsure if I will continue the challenge.. Since we know I will be continuing the challenge it's time to find it a home. 


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