Rainbow Catus BaCC - 1.3

 Welcome back to my BaCC! We are starting with our third family, The Farmer Family. We are in the season of summer if you remember and we just unlocked 3 intelligence openings. 

Kathy moves to this town for a fresh start after her husband died on their farm.  She tots two small boys around with her as she makes it to her new home. From what she understood their was 2 other families that have already settled here and for that she was thankful. 

She gets her son Landon off to school before she starts teaching teaching her youngest son, Wes to talk. A knock on her door stops her from doing that. 

"HI! I just saw you flagging down the bus to get your son to school and I figured you must be the new family to move in. I'm Lena, I live next door."
"Oh okay, Yeah. We just got here, I'm Kathy. So you live next door to me?"
"Yes! It looks like our children are about the same age."
"Do you have more then one?"
"Yes actually.. My youngest daughter, I have two, is about to be a toddler."
"That's awesome, I have two boys.. Looks like we are meant to be friends!"

The two talk long into the night before Lena has to leave and go back home. Since the passing of her husband, Kathy has taken up pottery. She was always interested but with the farm and two boys, toddler and baby, she just didn't have the time. 

The next morning as she is sending off Landon to school,, Lena comes over. 

"Is there anyone else here? I know their is one more family but I haven't seen them."
"Oh yeah! It's a really sweet elderly couple, They own that small little thrift shop you probably passed on your way here?"
"OH YEAH. Wow.."
"Yeah and they also have an adult son but I've never met him." 
At this Lena wiggled her eyebrows. Kathy couldn't help but laugh. 
"Well if you set up an introduction I would love to meet this single bachelor." 

Lena ended up having to go because her youngest daughter woke up from her nap but later that night Kathy couldn't help but smile. She had a friend, her son was finally laughing and playing again. This small island was her salvation. 

The next morning she gets a message on her computer that intrigues her. 
"Hey I know this may be weird but I'm Carter, the sweet elderly couples son? Yeah anyway, I guess Lena talked to my mom and they are now forcing me to send you a message because they want grandbabies... I can't believe I just wrote that."
Kathy burst out laughing at this awkward message. Oh he was sweet. She invited him over for some pie. 

Kathy sees a man walking from across the road and goes out to greet who she can only assume is Carter. They chat for a while but Kathy realizes she isn't attracted to him. He was a sweet guy but he didn't give her any butterflies. 

Kathy sends Carter home after a few hours and just in time for her son to come home. Kathy is happy to see he brings home Taylor. 

"Thank you for the pie Ms. Farmer! It is the best pie I've ever had!"
"Yeah mommy this pie is soo yummy. Thank you."
"Both of you are welcome."

Every morning Landon did the same thing which was work out. He felt as though it was a great way to start his day.

It also happen to be little Wes birthday. Kathy did a lowkey affair with just her family. 

Wes Farmer

"Hey girl! Yeah we should get the kids together this weekend. Uh huh.. A park would be an excellent idea. We should vote on it since their is no mayor or anything. Maybe start a committee. "

Lena ends up coming over later that day and Kathy gifts her a beautiful tea set. 

With both her kids now in school Kathy didn't have much to do. She checks out the hours of the Intelligence career hoping she can take it. 

The answer was no. She would get home far to late. Defeated she closed out the computer. 

Just as she closed down the computer her sons came in with their report cards. 
"Mom MOM! I got an A+"
"Good job my dream."

Lets just take a moment to look at how cute Wes is!
With this we moving on to winter. We have completed one whole cycle and we are back to winter. Lets see our roll: Round 1 (Winter) - 50. All these babies! I can teach them (+1 Kindergartener teacher). We roll for a different job, this time a kindergarten teacher. Makes sense with all these children this neighbor has, the locals need help!

It's saturday which means the Summer family is coming over. Kathy makes some smoothened porkchops for her guest.

Wes was happy to see his friend from school Taylor. 

Everyone sits down with a plate and they are obviously enjoying it. The weather is getting cold now and the end of summer activities are coming.

We end with Wes blowing bubbles Sunday morning. 

This family was kind of boring but went by quickly. I should have had her buy a business but I just didn't think about it because she had two young kiddos and was by herself. The next household will make 4 which means we get a free lot. Thank goodness. 

Lets check out how those stats look now:

SM: 6x10
Population: 60
Treasury: 50k
Pets Available: 0
Children Available: 1
Community Lots: 1
 Child Adoption: 10k/10k (Open)
*** Pet Adoption: 0/10k
*** Butler :3/5 Rich sims
*** Exterminator: 0/5 Lots w roaches
*** Gardener./Garden Club: 0/10 Gold gardening badges
*** Maid: 3/5 Rich Sims
*** Matchmaker: 0/2 Paranormal career
*** Nanny: 0/10 teens
*** Pet trainer
*** Repairman: 0/5 max mechanical 
*** Grocery delivery: No
*** Food Delivery: No
*** Police: 0/4 Top law enforcement
*** Fire Dept: 0/10k
*** Vacation: No
*** Downtown: No
*** Business District: No
Oceanography - 1/1 (Carter Spring)
Military - 1/1 (Neil Summer)
Intelligence - 0/3
Kindergarten - 0/1



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