Rainbow Catus BaCC - 3.2 [summer family]

 We move on to the summer family to see baby May and see if this family has any more kids and most importantly if Neil can get some promotions!

We start the week off with little May in her swing next to dirty newspapers. 

Meanwhile a family dinner is going on.
"All I'm saying is we could save the planet and cut down on prices for everything if we got rid of oil.. We all know that is the main enemy in simdom PLUS Capitalisms.."
"OKAY thank you. Your 20 minutes is up for discussion."

Neil has had the required skills for a promotion for almost 2 weeks now and has yet to get a damn promotion I swear if he doesn't get this promotion I am cheating him one level up because obviously the game is broken. 

Look at how cute.

No.. He did not get a promotion.. No I did not cheat him up. Neil gets home and helps May grow up. 

I have a toddler picture wall going for this family  and it is so damn cute! Since they had 3 girls all the photos are a pink/purple.

Taylor is a great sim all around, a great girlfriend, daughter, and sister.. The only thing she isn't great at... A JOB.

Finally, day 2 and he gets promoted. He is now level 5. He has the next 2 days off though so the likelihood he will complete his career? None. 

Neil teaches his baby girl all her skills.  These two are excellent parents. I barely have to do anything they just seem to know what to do. 

It is Carlene birthday! Another teen and one step closer to being able to hire nannies!

She rolls family and she wants to have 3 grandchildren her hobby is football. At least her ltw is doable.  

Carlene is also gay! That's fun but I believe she is the only one of her age and that makes my life a bit more difficult.  

I have her meet Ginger but they only have 1 bolt. That shouldn't bother me because everybody has only like 1 bolt for their SO but it does. 

Carlene and Rina meet and get along. As the only gay sims in town. I think of Rina as like a mentor to her.

We have another birthday this time May. 

She looks exactly like Carlene. Her hobby is womrat but we can't get one because we haven't paid the 10k to unlock pets yet. 

Friday night and the older girls head to the business. Lena puts her daughters on the register and Taylor get a bronze badge in it.  

Neil was having a very hard time with the military and just wasn't progressing so we switch his career hoping he has an easier time somewhere else. 

With military open, Taylor takes the job. She really wanted a job after she lost her lol. As of right now I am leaving Carlene without a job even though there is one spot in Intelligence. With that we end our time with the summer family. Lets look at those stats.

SM: 11
Playable Sims: 23 
Population: 253
Treasury: 112,691 [+10k]
Pets Available: 0
Children Available: 0
College Slots: 0
Community Lots: 5
***Child Adoption: 10k/10k (Open)
*** Pet Adoption: 0/10k
*** Butler :3/5 Rich sims
*** Exterminator: 1/5 Lots w roaches
*** Gardener./Garden Club: 0/10 Gold gardening badges
*** Maid: 3/5 Rich Sims
*** Matchmaker: 0/2 Paranormal career
*** Nanny: 8/10 teens
*** Pet trainer: Pet adoption available
*** Repairman: 0/5 max mechanical 
*** Grocery delivery: YES
*** Food Delivery: No
*** Police: 0/4 Top law enforcement
*** Fire Dept: 10k/10k (Open, Fire Dept Career Open)
*** Vacation: No
*** Downtown: No
*** Business District: No
*** University: No
Apartments: No 
Oceanography - 1/1 (Carter Spring)
Military - 1/1 [Taylor Summer] 
Intelligence - 2/3  (Katharine Winter, Maura Waller)
Kindergarten - 0/1
Robotics - 1/2 (Neil Summer))
Fire Dept - Open (Raul Waller)
Ice Cream Vendor - 0/1
Beekeeper - 0/1
School Transportation - 1/1 (Kathy Farmer)
Psychologist - 0/1
Alchemy - 1/2 [Breanna GilsCarbo]
Social Security Recipient - 0/1


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