Adam & Eve Experiment - 1.0
Hi! Welcome to my Quick Apoc. I created a very very rough draft for these rules and the lovely Seera is helping me play test them. She has helped me TREMENDOUSLY and I would like to say this challenge is every much her baby as mine. Her play test can be found here ---> Seera's Quick Apoc
I rolled 2 families. One of them pretty big in size and one pretty small.
I start with my biggest family first, They got 4k in money which wasn't anywhere close enough to what they actually needed so they spent most of their day digging. The great thing about big families of teens and up everybody can dig.
I set up their bathrooms with two toilets and a divider so that more people can use the bathroom. Everything here is the cheapest as to not break any rules.
The upstairs we have nothing but beds and a kitchen, when they dug up a few more things I was able to add a dinning table and a ballet bar.
I start the potty train because once night hits everyone must be in the house. I have also kept free will on though so we will see if I can keep track of everyone [spoiler: keep free will off]
The family dynamics for this family is an elder couple, their two adult children and a teen. Lugenia works on her body skill as I really would like her to get a job in military if able.
Dorcas starts on the garden and gets everything fertilized and planted before nightfall.
Now, I put everyone to bed AT 7pm. What did they do at 9pm.. Get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I had to roll for all 3 of them to see if they became infected because it's night time..
My elder couple ended up being safe , Bruant. There son and father to Dorcas on the other hand did not make it. He had a 30% chance of becoming a zombie and he rolled within that 30.
Goodbye Bruant! It was nice playing you.
Since these two heathens were already downstairs in the bathroom and deemed safe, I figured I would let them finish what they came here to do.
Things got shaky once again when Keegan decided to once again leave bed at 3am to go play some football with his daughter. The problem is his daughter has 2 body skill points so she was fine. Keegan on the other hand still had none and his luck has run out.
While I am getting him to leave the house he goes and kisses his wife one last time.. Now she too is a zombie. What is life.
My household now consist of 2 people from its original 5. I have Dorcas dig for some treasure in the hopes that they can get the crystal ball so her aunt, Lugenia can find love and start on gen 2.
Thats the goal for the next round with this family. Max body skill for both the girls, marrying them off, and gen 2. That will open up Science, Military, Natural Science, and Oceanography. Until next time, Byee!
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