Rainbow Catus BaCC - 2.1 [Flatland]
And we are back with the second week of rainbow catus. Lets see what the beautiful Diamond is up to.
Winter was here and I head back to the business. I was hoping to get it up to level 10 and up our population.
My best friends stops by and I convince her to move in town.
After what help like a very long time I finally made it to level 10. I planned on selling the business back to the town.
My business sold for 81k which was nice.
Much like me, my daughters loved nature.. Sometimes that backfired though.
Well all good times come to an end. My poor husband was fired from his job. They stated it just wasn't a good fit at this time. He was frustrated at this but I told him we now had the time to start his gambling house. This made him happy and he agreed.
My best friend lived with us for a few days before she found a house she liked. I was excited to be able to pop up at her house now.
Kissing my baby goodnight made me want another baby. My children were my world and soon my twins would be teens. Time was moving way to fast for me.
Something crazy ended up happening in my home! One of the locals just died out of no where. She was playing with my daughter and then said she felt sick. Next thing I know she is laying down and not waking up.
All of this couldn't have been happening at a worse time as I was giving birth to my 2nd plant baby. I had a beautiful baby boy, Fisher. I was very excited to finally have a boy.
Before to long it was my baby girl, Zelia's birthday. I wasn't sure how this all worked as I was a first time plantsim mom.
Right before my eyes she was an adult.. I couldn't believe this I, as young as I was, had an adult daughter already.
I wasn't surprised my baby was about pleasure in life. I was hopeful she would calm down a bit but that wasn't in the cards. Zelia is also all about romance. I guess I can't be that surprised as I am a romance sim myself. I am so curious to see where her journey takes her.
For a while she thought she liked women but after a few fails she decided maybe she didn't like women after all.
She met a wonderful man name Richard. The whole family loved him and her together
I am so happy for my baby. She is getting married!
Zelia Flatland became Beckett late at night and moved out with her husband. I was going to miss my baby but it was for the best. My small house was cramped as is.
Soon it was going to become even more crowded as I found out I am pregnant with my husband and I's first child together. He was the best step dad and now he was going to be the best dad.
With one child out of the house it was now time for my twins to become teens. Had I really been here this long?
My show off, Ida was surprisingly all about learning everything she could about everything. I wondered if she would be like me as well and be a romance sim.
In the middle of my twins birthday I get my first belly pop. I can't believe before this week is up I will be a new mom again.
My beautiful showoff is a straight. I wonder what boy she is going to fall head over heels for.
My quiet baby was next and she shocked me, She, like me and her sister Zelia, is a romance sim. I am in complete shock. I would have never guessed/
Mildred is very excited for another sibling. Ida was indifferent about it and I wasn't surprised. The house was cramped as is.
With my girls big enough I was finally able to just focus on my little man. I can't lie, with another baby on the way and my pregnancy really taking center stage, I was ready for him to grow up as well.
That day came sooner then I thought it would. My beautiful baby boy was an adult now and I imagine much like his sister would go off and start his life in our little slice of heaven.
My only boy and the one that was most to himself, was all about knowledge. I can't say I was surprised as he spent his every waking moment on a learning toy.
What was a surprise was him falling madly in love with a much older woman and popping the question. I was happy for him as long as he was happy but she couldn't possibly give him any kids. I guess that wasn't a concern as he said space and aliens fascinated him. I wouldn't be surprised if he had an alien baby.
Shortly after getting engaged my son marries this woman.
I was of course supportive but I was sad to see him go.
Well my daughters have been coming home with different friends from school but both girls didn't always get along with the friends that were invited over. I made a new rule that both girls had to be friends to avoid something like this in the future.
My husband and I were still madly in love and could never keep our hands off each other.
Our second business was doing great! We now had a level 5 business and we were making great headway!
My beautiful farm.. With it being pretty easy for me I was making family tend to it.
Important news happen today! My husband and I's little Flatland was finally born. We named him Johnes.
By the end of our week our little bean was a toddler. I couldn't believe I have raised so many children already.. I have 2 full grown children and 2 teens. I am hoping this is my last one but it probably will not be.
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