A Bunch of Birthdays

Welcome welcome! Last chapter we had two babies the S and the H. Sponmos came out so cute, so far.
I moved them houses. I just didn't care for the old house. 3 stories, dark, cluttered. I needed room and light.

Right off the bat we are teaching Sponmos to walk, we've got to get those points.!

And plus 1 for us. Now to do this 6 more times.
Baby making for number 3

Can he get any cuter?! He is learning to hunt. Seriously I love werewolfs.

Conformation that baby number 3 is on the way.
He's howling at the moon. Oh my gosh, I am going to die of cuteness overload

Bump watch. ( I always feel like, somebodies watching me, and I have no privacy)

Its Hernia Birthday. Shes adorable. Got her fathers skin and hair but her mothers eyes. Eh.

Seriously gonna have to stop him from these bad habits. We get a new house and he decides to scratch it up. He is defiantly his fathers son.

Param got a raise and a promotion. He is doing great as a cook. I'm glad I switched his profession.

You can pretty much find Sponmos playing with his IF somewhere alone lol

Got this walking down.

Baby time! Arbi a baby girl was born.
Favorites - Pop - Speghetti with veggie sauce - Yellow

Picture perfect family!

*Sigh* Lets focus on the positive, Sponmos is having his birthday. *Crosses fingers* Please stay cute

Success! Still cute. He gained the Klepto trait. Well he will be interesting.

Param wanted to learn the science skill, maybe I should of kept him in the science career.

... Well everyone can't be cute all the time.

2/3 skills done for Hernia.

Sponmos LTW - Reach Lv 10 Singer career.

Baby try number 4.. They still at woohoo level 1. Lol at Param & how excited he looks.

Shannon is doing a gene experiments.

3/3 skills completed and +1 point.

Param spray painting his house.

Arbi is cute, but I am beginning to expect nothing but cuteness. I believe she has her fathers hair and her mothers skin and eyes. Just 4 more kids and then we can start choosing a heir.
Thank you for reading and happy simming.


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