Birthday Cake Fires

Welcome back everyone! I don't know if I ever explained to everyone what mini challenges I am doing but I am doing the helicopter challenge.. Basically my toddlers have to learn walking, talking, and potty training. I can also have them learn 2 skills up to level 5 before they reach teenhood. and one point each for every teen that gets honor roll and reaching the top of their teen career.
I am also doing the Parent of an occult. So far I believe I've had 2 kids so far that are supernatural. So that would be 2 points. YAY.
And lastly I will be doing heir polls for 5 points. I am a little bit of a point hog.  But it is all in good fun.*
We start back with Param teaching Arbi how to potty. I feel like this is all this challenge is going to be so lets go see what the other family members are up to.

Hernia is waiting for her mommy to pick her up.

Sponmos is eating sushi

Shannon is on her way to pick up Hernia. Those pajamas are life.

Then this happen, Wiggles Murray donated 27 bucks.. How? You aren't even real. I can see why Julie hates IF so much now.

Baby number 4 is official on the way. I cringe at the thought of giving birth 4 times. More 7 for that matter.

Shannon cracks me up, on freewill she does some of the funniest things. Telling ghost stories to no one is one of them.

Arbi learned to walk. So walking and talking are now over with. Her skills are flying by!

Param is just flying up this career ladder. He needs the rest of his cooking skill point, just 3 points left, and then it should be smooth sailing from there.

Proof Arbi learned to talk. Param stayed up with her all night to teach her those skills, I'm going to regret it because now they are both in the red. 2/3

Who the hell is this?

Oh crap. I forgot about the bills. I am so horrible with that stuff.

But do my founders care? Nope, ofcourse not.

And they continue with their day like nothing happen. What the hell.

Baby time! Poor woman is a baby machine.

I'm pretty sure this is Arbi. She is apparently a werewolf. How awesome... More kids tearing up the furniture.

This is the newest baby. Neso
Favorites - Hiphop - Sushi - Turquoise

It was time for Hernia birthday.  I think Shannon likes being pregnant because she doesn't change our of her maternity wear after she gives birth.

Are you kidding me???!!! How in good gods name do you set the house on fire with a BIRTHDAY CAKE. ARRRHHGGGG.

While the fire is going on I get this pop up.. Yeah game, wonderful timing. NOT.

55 weak dollars. The cake alone was 30, then the counter was 145. Pft.

Alright now, lets try this again.

She isn't as cute as her brother... but plus 1 for supernatural. Yay.
Hernia rolled Ambitious.

And ambitious she is. Right on the easel painting the ugliest loveliest picture I've ever seen.

This is wiggles by the way.

Potty training complete. That's another +1 point for me.

Sure I'll absolutely allow a 10 year old werewolf to go to a graveyard on the full moon.

Freaking finally ! Shes like two days from an adult and she is just now getting to level 2.

Oh, how cute now they are fighting.

It's Neso birthday!

Oh my.. I may have spoken to soon. He is so unfortunate looking.
On that note I will leave you. Until next time. Happy Simming.


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