Cutest Baby Ever!

Welcome back everyone! I should probably get myself checked out for addiction lol. I just can't stop playing the sims 3. I am so glad I have a computer that can handle it because I enjoy it so much.

We start back with Param breaking sinks. Yay..

After work he went to the park to play his guitar. He isn't good enough to play for tips but he seems happy. 

Lol, werewolfs are quickly becoming my favorite supernatural. They are just so funny. To bad they are so ugly.

Shannon is FINALLY pregnant! Geez, it took forever. And we still have 6 more kids after this one.

I have never had a sim before be abducted. I wonder if he will get pregnant. I really hope not, space will be sparse as is.

Shes getting so big!

Shannon: Oh my gosh you got me something!
Param: Yeah, a garden book.
Shannon: Take it back & try again.

What a dark lovely place to give birth.

And this is where I royally fucked up. Its the Name Game Challenge... I start his name with an I instead of an S. I ended up changing it to Sponmos.
Favorites - Kids , Hotdog , Spiceberry

Param is such a great dad, he is always giving Sponmos exactly what he needs.

Shannon on the other hand is more concern with video games. At least she is leveling up her nerd influence. *eyeroll*

Sponmos definatly got his moms color but I believe he is a werewolf.

Oh my ever loving gosh, he is so cute!!!

Yay, baby number 2 in on the way.

Yup I was right, he is a werewolf.

Teaching Sponmos to talk. He seriously is the cutest baby ever. I've never had a baby this cute.

Yeah sure Param go on a waterslide while its snowing..

What is this demonic crap? Are we summoning the devil with old newspapers? We're gonna have to watch that paper girl.

Promotions and baby talkin'.

While Param was out buying this property I saw this little boy just sitting here by myself in the snow! What kind of craptastic parenting is this?

Then I ofcourse got a notification that Shannon was in labor. Ahh I remember that pain like it was yesterday.

So I of course had Param rush home and he immediately did the dad freak out.

And Hernia Murray was born.
Kids - Mushroom Omelette - Turquoise

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 2/26
6 Points total.
Happy simming!


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