Homestead - E.Webb

Over to the Webb homestead. He buys a lot for his saloon.

Everyone seemed to enjoy it so far.

He even met the good witch.

Mrs. Host shows up to inspect the business. 

What happens in the saloon stays there.

After befriending multiple witches Ezra is turned into one. 

After getting his business to level 5 he heads home very rich. He adopts the dog, Grace.

Also Ezra gets married to a woman he met at his business. Christy Webb is now apart of the settlement. 

After getting married Christy heads to Host General. She buys a new outfit for her husband and herself before returning home. 

It ends with Christy and Ezra enjoying their riches and new homestead. 

With a level 5 business there is now 2 positions open in the criminal career and there are 2 positions open in business. Law is completely unlocked. 


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