New Bern - Wilcox

Im doing it, It's happening.. I am playing the sims 4 rotational style. I don't know sims 4 that well and I have a general dislike for the game BUT I am hoping playing rotational will curb that and maybe I will learn to like it. With that being said let me tell you a bit about this. 
This save will be a Prosperity Challenge. I rolled a 5, meaning there will be five families. The first family is Margarita Wilcox. I have placed them in Newcrest instead of the downtown neighborhood because I don't know. LOL. 
Anywho, I renamed the town to New Bern and I hope everyone enjoys.. 

Let's meet Margarita. I randomized her traits 
Public Enemy
Bookworm, Active, Outgoing. 
Interesting choices lol. 

Here is Margarita's home. She rolled some interesting lot traits but whatever floats her boat. 

I temperately forgot about her aspiration so she meets a neighbor and is super nice to her. They don't talk long though as the woman had to go.  

Margarita secures a job in Criminal

Before running off to rudely introduce herself to Summer. 

Margarita's round ends with them fighting in front of an empty house. All she needs now is for one more sim to dislike her and she will complete the first tier of her aspiration. 


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