New Bern - Cline

Now to the forth household of the neighborhood. 

Sterling Cline
Family Orientated,Foodie,Jealous

Max Cline
Active,Music lover, Family Orientated

The Cline brothers move to New Bern to pursue their dreams. Will the brothers find love or will they flop in this small town?
Max Cline was taken from the gallery and then I made his brother. 

The boys get jobs in their chosen careers

And Sterling makes fruit salad.

Max gets started on his fitness skill for work while his brother gets breakfast together. 

While the boys wait for the welcome wagon (which never shows.. Sexist) Sterling plays the lottery.

After waiting for some hours for that welcome wagon his fun starts to tank and I have him head over to the skating rink. 

He meets a woman there and they become friends. 

After she leaves he gets home to use the bathroom and walks in on his brother, embarrassed he hides in his room for the rest of the day.

Max comes into his brothers room, even though he has his own, and falls asleep. They may be a little too close for comfort. I've got to get them women asap.

Generation 1
Sims: 2
Household: Cline
Jobs: Painter, Athletic
Neighborhood Stats:
Sims: 6
Households: 4
Female: 4
Male: 2
YA: 5
Child: 1


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