Apoc pt 2

 Here is the second part of my apoc run. 

The real challenge is how fast sims age in an apoc challenge. You really have to start getting them ready for a career as a child to have any chance at success. 

Oh and freewill is not your friend during an apoc challenge. 

But you get to a point in the challenge where no one has top level jobs anymore so the trick becomes finding someone with high skills because then you can put them in any career with great success. 

And though stressful, never stop having babies lol. 

The early days of my apoc challenge. Before the crazy. 

Here is Crystal during the end of her life, she is Stella and Marylena's child. 

RIP Fluffy

This family was a joy to play honestly. 

Funny enough they are just the in laws but I swore they were going to have an affair, thankfully they never did just the best of friends. 

I can't remember this sim name but I know he lost his job like 3 times. I was so pissed!

After rereading the rules I got rid of this, they got it for a date and I wasn't allowed to have it. 

I married my pride and joy off as an elder because this man had a level 8 career and I wasn't going to pass that up. It was a crazy marriage because Gabby has been gay her whole life but this is for the apoc!

Here is the 3rd animal in our apoc. 

Soooo, The female sim you see getting a massage from her adoptive 2nd cousin doesnt have any family ties... They have 3 bolts and if I was a worse person I would have put  them together BUT instead I made him a plantsim..

This house was always a party but these careers need friends!

This was when he topped his career and then him and his dad got the hell out of that house lol.


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