Shadow Hills - 1.6

 Year 1306

Aleki was so happy to be back with his family, though he wasn't all the way back to himself yet he was close enough. 

He was finally able to read to his children whenever, talk to them, hug them and the likes. 

Sadly our kitty cat passed away

while Emilia was proposing to to her beloved. 

But after the proposal everyone became a witness to the kitty cat passing away. 

Aleki has started playing the guitar, the dog and Ellie both enjoy it a lot. 

Emilia is trying to create the potion for her husband to become a human again. 

Our heir has grown up into a child, He is a Child Delinquent with a trait of Delightful.  

Him and Ellie have the best relationship <3

Emilia spends a lot of her free time with Deja since she isn't as close to her siblings. 

Aleki is strict with Ellie as she likes to test the limits. 

But they have a great relationship. 

1306 ends with Lamont getting a present from Father Winter. 


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