Shadow Hills - 1.7

 Year 1307

Aleki is a very strict dad and expects greatness from his kiddos. 

Our kitty cat made an appearance, that sent everyone into a tailspin so I do not appreciate that. 

Emilia completed her aspiration and we have chosen a new one, Nerd Brain

Emilia is a fantastic mom and I am going to miss her when she leaves me. 

Apparently you have to take this at the house so I wasted so much effort making this and then having him take it out in the world. 

Like I said Kitty Cat caused a cry fest, Lamont seems to be affected by it the most. 

Attempt 2!

And we have an Aleki back! He is coming back as his age so he died when he was 23 and he is still 23. 

Lamont has started school at a local school house. They pay 250 a week for him to go to school. 

The happy pair get remarried. I love them together so much. 

Lamont room is the hot spot in the house. Everyone is always in here. 

Lamont is an awesome big brother and is teaching his sisters the ins and outs of magic as he understands it. <3

Another baby is on the way for the family. This will be number 4. 

While out jogging Aleki comes across the man that killed him, the vampire is more like it. 

Lamont heads to the park in town to meet some people his age. He brings his trusty dog, Cairo, with him. 

He meets a couple of beauties and makes fast friends with them. 

On his way leaving the park a teen got hit by a falling object from the sky. 
Could you imagine your kid going to the park to play and coming back talking about someone dying. 

While Lamont was witnessing traumatic events, the ladies were home doing home school. 

Aleki decides that's enough of Lamont going out by himself so for the new year he takes him with him to the cafe to meet up with an old friend. 

Maleficent is very happy to see her friend has made it back from the other side. 

Moms are truly the best. 

This poor family, Aleki and Lamont have a difference in opinion and it knocks them out of being best friends. 

Right before it switched over to the new year Emilia goes into labor. 

She gives birth to only one child, another little girl Kristin. What an eventful 1307


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