Drifter Challenge - 1

1. As a minimum create a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom home worth at least $30k Simoleons

2. Produce and raise The Heir to the Young Adult life stage
*When The Heir reaches Young Adult, you must stop game play and save if you are continuing onto House 002

Meet my newest challenge which is the drifter/legacy. I don't know how long I will continue the drifter challenge part of it as I hate building but we shall see. Now, let meet my founder, Gracie Valdivia. 

I start her fishing and get her a job as a criminal. With her being squeamish fishing didn't go well

We get her a little bathroom, just in time too. 

She meets a nice lady, Lilly. I have always loved her so I am happy about it. 

More fishing and a bit of money from the criminal career, we get her a cooler

Some forgering later and boom my founder is now planting a garden so I can forget about fishing. 

The garden is going well and she makes 54 dollars a pop from these strawberries!

We plant some more 

Lilly comes out and builds sand castles with us

Here is the first view of the house.

Here is the second view. It's coming along. 

We pursue Lily and she becomes our girlfriend. 

We convince her to leave her husband.

YAY. We are making it there. 


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