Hollywood Master Simmer Challenge 1.1

Now, I have a problem.. I do not ever remember anybodys name. So I will call them by their set. Set 1 is coming along nicely. She settles down and starts writing some books. 

She was listening to the stereo when it broke so I have her fix it.  

Set 21 is doing really really good in his career. 

While also making friends which is nice. 

I finally get set 1 a job in the writer career now that she has some skills under her belt. 

She needs to read to get a promotion at work so I set her to do that while I focus on getting set 21 promoted. 

Another promotion. 

Now even though I don't show pictures I do have them getting to know one another. 

Success! Set 1 is pregnant. I am only trying to do just one baby because I am in now rush to do these sets. 

But also a max skill which is awesome. 


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