Johnson Towering Legacy - 1.1

Welcome to chapter 2 of the Tower Legacy. 

Darren is doing much better in this career he is already level 2

Finally baby time, 

Meet little Annabell ♥

Birthday time in the Johnson household. 

Annabell Johnson

Another promotion down. 

Mya teaches her daughter Annabell how to talk because toddler skills make it so they skill faster when they get older. 

Second pregnancy coming!!

Darren makes a friend that has the same outerwear.

Honestly if I got rid of promotion pics my chapters would be shorter then they are now. 

Darren is such a great dad. 

Baby coming!!!

The matchmaker lady brings over a genie lamp. I might use it but I don't know. 

Baby incoming.

Bart? Burt? Something like that. 

Double birthdays because that back to back baby life. 

Annabell Johnson

Bart/Burt has his toddler Birthday.


The nanny and Annabell are best friends and I am so happy about it. 

The nanny hates the parents though so that is a great time. 

The kids are getting along swimmingly. 

The nanny and Parents fighting is causing Annabell to be very heart broken. Either way, next time hopefully we have more babies, and some birthdays. 


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