Hippy Town - Ryder II (winter)


Winter for the second Ryder family starts with Becka having a birthday. 

Double promotion in this house. 

Becka gets an old lady makeover. 

15.500 owed this time and I think I had them forget to pay it so taxes next time  is going to be very high. 

Winter is really good at making friends. She knows pretty much every child in the neighborhood. 

Becka still hasn't broke 1k 

A big birthday was happening. All of Winters siblings showed up. 

Winter rolls Pleasure. She is interested in young adult men who are well traveled but not well connected. 

Winter Ryder

  • Lovable/Natural Cook
  • Hobby: Nature (Garden)
  • Aspiration: Location (City Native)
  • LTW: Marry off 3 kids

Becka and Winter head to the library for some  learnning so Winter could get into college. 

Becka maxes her logic skill while at the library. 

Winter ends with Rain and Ben playing in the last bit of snow on the ground. 


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