Hippy Town - Wendland (Winter)

Welcome to the Wendland round! They did not pay all of their taxes last time so money owed is 11.5k

Brittney gets to work on that money. She gives some financial advice to make a bit of extra cash. Don't understand why she is giving that advice as she only has 1k to her name. Lol.

With it being winter I give Brittney a slight makeover. She is so cute yall!

Mia has her birthday and is GORGEOUS. Just to remind everyone, Mia is the daughter of Marcel and Brittney. 

A promotion later and Brittney is a bit closer to her goal lol. 

With the kids getting older Brittney invites over Komei and Marcel (the only babydaddies she knows)

Even after all this time Brittney still has feelings for Komei so they get busy. Thankfully she is 49 so pregnancy is not an option. 

Komei expresses that he still loves Brittney too so they decide to move in together and make it work. 

He moves in with a nice 3k. 

He gets a job in township politics. Its the hot job around town and when I think of this job I think of these are the members that help Marcel keep the commune going. 

Komei is a great dad and step dad. He looks after Burt like he is his own. 

With Koemi becoming apart of the commune lets introduce him. 

Komei Tellerman

  • Unforgettable/Sweet Talker/Bad Cook
  • HOBBY: Sports(Basketball)
  • ASPIRATION: Life (Living Life)
  • Breed 3 pets

We also have a triple birthday among us.
Brittney is now an elder. 



With a promotion under his belt and Komei learning the how and why or the commune he comes home to his beautiful children. 

Time for some intros. 
Beth Wendland
HOBBY: Tinkering (Appliances)
ASPIRATION: Life (Living Life)

Burt Wendland
HOBBY: Sports (Soccer)
ASPIRATION: Deviance (Chief of Mischief)

Brittney is very strict about her childrens future. The kids are made to study for hours.

Double promotions. They have enough to pay for taxes and they are set. 

Summer comes home with Komei, for a woman with a soccer team of children she sure gets around. 

Skyla comes home with the Wendland kids and becomes friends with both. 

Summer also gets to know the children. 

The last birthday of this round is Mia. Still gorgeous. 
Mia Wendland-Gunther
HOBBY: Games (Arcade)
ASPIRATION: Fortune (Mason Baron)



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