Game of life - 1.3

Quickie wedding for them.. Everything was going perfect. 

Over to Nina, she gets a job as a dancer. She moves out of the house with her sister and into a small apartment that she could reasonably afford. 

Darren comes over one morning and they hang out but they decide to just be friends.

A promotion for Nina. 

A quick makeover for her and Nina gets home 

Ninas lolng time boyfriend also moved in with her. She wasn't the only sister that went after men with money. 

They get a pet dragon together.

Over to the Broke house. The family had moved out of the trailer. Of course money was extra tight but soon Dustin would be going to college and Brandi wouldn't have to look after him so much.

Brandi gets a job as an educator but she is on leave until after her son is born. 

She goes into labor late in the afternoon and has Charlie Broke. 

Dustin gets a new job. He was tired of stressing his mom out. She didn't need it. 


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