DyNasty Challenge - 1

Hello! My name is Diana DyNasty. The moment I turned 18 I married my high school boyfriend and moved out. I hated my home. I hated living in that trailer, being poor and my parents. I wanted to make a name for myself. My last name was DyNasty after all. 

My twin sister Mae, decided to move with me. Much like me she married her HS sweetheart too. 

Here is my husband, Raymond. My parents hated him and said he put a bunch of crazy ideas in my head and that he was a bum. Fuck them I say. If they want to talk about being bums they should look inward. 

The only person my parents hate more then Raymond is my sisters husband, Raheem. But he's a black man .... you can figure that out. Either way, my sister loves him and he makes her so happy. Plus he is so smart. 

When we moved out our parents disowned us. No matter, we are going to make a name for ourselves and be a happy family worth millions. They will be sad then. 


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