Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.41

 Welcome back to KUWTD

Jesus, my sims do two things no matter what! Electrocute themselves and set themselves on fire!

Over to the fallen, look at how cute they are. 

What is this and when did this happen? Everett and Claudia

Just teens being cute!

WHAAA, Isn't Lillie GAY!

Anywho, Calvin is the biggest help with the little one!

Calvin and Nadia are still madly in love. I think they may be the ONLY couple that hasn't cheated. I love them.


This really is my favorite family and I just cannot wait for them to win this thing LMFAO

I mean I wouldn't be disappointed in a 30k payday no matter if it is dirty or not. LMFAO

Tina really has become quite beautiful.

Pressing on, with that dirty 30, the family goes on a cute vacation.

I want a big foot so to the tours we go.


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