Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.57
Welcome back! Lets see if I can become current with my pictures so I can do that time jump!
S: Debbie Cakes, what a nice surprise!
D: Hi Mr. Robertson! Hayden told me about your... pregnancy so I thought I would stop by to check on you
S: That is very sweet of you.. Want to hear how it happen?
D: Uhhh Sure.
S: Isn't that funny?!
D: Uh yeah Mr. Robertson, very funny.
Debbie left and soon after Sean went into labor with the alien spawn!
Welcome little Wafi!
Roman finally made it to city planner and got a 12k bonus! Now he can help his dearest friend Rebekah build the city up!
Nadia got promoted to Cat Burglar.
And little Faith is now a child. She looks like a great mix of her parents.
Over at the Rush household, Andy gets a promotion to Getaway driver. Oh how the mighty have fallen
E: Excuse me sir, why are you always shirtless when you come here? You are making my daddy uncomfortable. He thinks you're going to steal my mom away...
H: He should be worried.
E: He should?
Dorthy did not come to play with yall. She is serving LOOKS
The Dunlap's are... well still boring. Idc what I have to do to ensure they DO NOT win.
Moving on to college, I found out Isabella and Lillie have 3 bolts.. Now I know that these two come from different parents but for whatever reason I just feel like they are like sisters but who am I to stop 3 bolters. OBviously if they get married they are out of the running as there is no one to take a last name.
L: So listen and don't tell anyone, I have a girlfriend now!
L: Also.. Who is Porters parents? Everyone here comes from somebody except him!
W: That's a good damn question. I heard the Dunlaps adopted him to stay relavant
L: Welp it didn't work... Hollywood still does not care for the family.
Wade and Debbie talk about the beautiful Tina Traveler.
While LIllie has a quarter life crisis.. She can't decide who she wants to marry. So much for FAMILY sim.
Moving right along, we have our first Grad! Buy keisha!
Damn I should have named her Felicia.
These two are soo cute!
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