Premade Rotation - 1.1

Its ya girl, back with a first installment of Premade Rotation - Specter Edition

This is Ophelia Nigmos. 
Master Maker - Dance Machine/Freegan

And we all know the QUEEN Olive Specter
Fab Filthy - Hot headed/Loner/Paranoid

I plop them down in their new digs and they seem to enjoy it.

Ophelia really enjoys her dj mixing system her aunt got her. 

The welcome wagon comes on by and it is of course Pleasantview sims. Don and the Caliente girls. 

Olive is the queen of this town and makes her daughter vote on some action plans she wants, Ophelia is embarrassed

It's good to be queen and Olive takes a cat nap outside on her porch.

Ophelia also gets a ... Idk what it is called but you get to make things out of recycled materials which is awesome. 

Whenever someone needs something they often come to the Specter household. 


Anywho, Don and Ophelia have become pretty good friends which is a weird pairing but Don has been known to like the older ladies. 

Olive prefers to be by herself but every now and then she will go to the bar and talk with the locals. 

Speaking of making friends, Ophelia is doing the same. 

I move in the Smith family because it just didn't seem right to not have Ophelia and Johnny together. 

She gets close to everyone in the family and her and Johnny become best friends and boy/girl friend. She had to dash off to work before their first kiss though. 

Their 7 days ends with Ophelia making a chair. 

Next round we will be playing the curious brothers. 


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