Premade Rotation - Intro

 Hi and welcome to Hollywood playing the sims 4! LOL . I love the sims 2 but I just had this urge to play the sims 4 which is new... I only have 2 mods in my game (UI Cheats and MCCC) lets see how long that last. Anywho, with me loving the sims 4, I thought what if I took my two favorite towns and I put them in the sims 4! Now I have Strangetown and Pleasantview in sims 4 and lets see what kind of trouble we get into!

We have my first and favorite family! The Specters. I've loved them for as long as I can remember. 

Next up is the Pleasants! I made them myself because I did not like the options. 

Next is the Broke family

Curious and Smith, I downloaded

I made the Beakers and lastly,

 The Grunts. I downloaded them. 

I am excited to start this round. We are starting in Strangetown with the Specter family. 


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