Duel BACC - Sister 2

Sister 2
Year 1 - Fall

That big ol' garden worked out for me. Not only do I have a gold badge now but I am also a plant sim now.

It's cool or whatever, makes my life easier with my plants. 

Now that I don't have needs, I just paint paint paint.

I plan to open up my own club. I want a sales badge before then though so I'm not going in blind. 

But this really weird feeling came over me. I grew a plant baby!

Look at my baby.

I was starting to feel as though my sweet boy was lonely. I was in the garden or painting a lot. I really wanted to get my business started and beat my sister. She was at 10 population already!

Moon Johnson

And his little sister
Star Johnson

Star: Brother, you are choking me.
Moon: I know.. Remember, I am the best and most important and we shall have NOOO problems. 

# of Playables: 3
# of Households: 1
# of Lots: 1
Total Lots: 2
SM: 2
Total Population: 6

Fire: 0
Electro: 0
Burglary: 0

Careers Unlocked:


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