Duell BACC - Sister 1

Sister 1
Year 1 - Fall

My dang sister might really beat me! She's a plant sim now and she can just spawn children. Thank goodness she isn't a people person.

I'm not too worried though. I am still fishing away trying to get my gold badge so I can open Oceanography.

My sister called me to brag but also to tell me about my niece and nephew. I am a little sad I don't get to see them yet. With no transportation I can't see my sister or her kids. 

I am still making friends of course.. More frieneds means more settlers hopefully. Our population is still only 10 and I want to change that.

My LTW is for 10 first dates but I wanna save my last date for my love. He is such an awesome guy.

He is easily my best friend. He understands my drive and why I wanna build my own city and WIN THIS BET.

Waylan told me he loves me. It made me feel a little bad because I am dating around before I settle down with him. I've got to have fun as well. 

S1 laughing: Wait, Moon did what? Oh I know you freaked out. Maybe they will be like us."

My sister has been telling me how important a garden is. She is right, what am I going to eat when my food runs out without a grocery store yet. 

My first date was with Leo. It ended as a good date.

I finally get my gold fishing badge. Oceanography is now open to me.

Since I had all these fish in my inbox I decided to open up a fish market. Soon it will also be a place for someone to buy flowers as well. I want Oceanography and Natural Science open for my townies. 
I also put a job board for my sims. I wanted them to easily find the jobs they earned.

My business reached level 1. That 1,000 dollars would come in handy. A college for my town would be nice. I want my kids to have everything in life.

Okay, I caved and let Waylon move in and he did with 8.000 but I am hoping nothing messes with what we have going on.

Meet my boyfriend
Waylon Menon
Capricorn (7/4/1/8/5)
Become Business Tycoon.
He is so perfect. He wants to help me get my business to level 10 so we can open up a position for him in business. 

# of Playables: 6
# of Households: 2
# of lots: 2
Total Lots: 4
SM: 2
Total Population: 12

Fires: 0
Electro: 0
Burglary: 0

Unlocked Careers:
Oceanography; 1/1 (Only to S1)


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