TS4 TPC - 1.0

Hey everybody! So yall remember or know of the Sims 2 Trailer Park Challenge? Well it is one of my favorite challenges. I've finished it in the sims 2 countless times(never documented though) and it made me wonder if the challenge could be transferred over to the sims 4..
Well while sitting at work I decided to write out the challenge in S4 form.. This is gonna be my play test to see what works, what doesn't, and if it is doable while keeping the spirit of the challenge a thing. 
Well that's enough rambling lets meet my founder for this challenge.

We all know Tanya Mata right? She is my love, my baby boo from my sliding doors challenge for S4? Well I decided to recycle her to this challenge as well. 
"Where the hell am I HW? Where is my husband Johnny? Where are my KIDS!"
*Waves like a mad man* Hi baby. Welcome to another challenge! It is your lucky day. You have the privilege of doing ANOTHER challenge but this time it is going to be-
"Oh my gosh, is it a legacy with my one true love?!!"
Uh no, like I was saying, you get to do the Trailer Park Challenge.
"I don't even want to know what that is. I just know I hate it already."
Just know you will be pregnant 4 times, you get to be married and not work this time!
"If I can marry Johnny you have a deal on ya hands."

I send Tanya into her trailer to inspect....
So... What do you think?
"I think it is small and ugly. Why are all my kitchen appliances so raggedy. Why are all the doors see-thru, and why is it so SMALL."
I hear your concerns my love but remember our deal okay? It's all gonna work out I promise. 
Needless to say, T wasn't happy with me or her new life but she would get over it. 

Like all good watchers should, I got my simself set up in her mansion and got her ready to befriend and stalk our poor T. She has no idea the crazy she has in store. 
"Come on Chey, this isn't SimNa all this talking isn't needed. Show everybody the house already and explain some of the changes you've made." 

*Cue the realtor music*
Here we have the outside of the trailer. Your classic 6x20 trailer with our classy yellow sliding instead of our trashy cream paneling. 
(I wanted her to be in newcrest, cause it is easier, so she is on a 50*40 lot..)

When you Walk inside our Classy Trailer you have the standard kitchen off to the side with an entrance to the back yard. 

The open concept living room..
"This is the worst."

Through the first see-thru door you have the basic bih bedroom. 
(I forgot PAINT)

Back into the main living space, you have an overview of the trailer. 
"I hate you HW."

Then, through the other see-thru door you have our standard bathroom with just a tub not a combo, because we are classy.

*Record Scratch*
"This house is UGLY. I HATE YOU HW."
*Fighting over the camera noises* 

And we're back!
Now that T has gathered herself, she goes to talk about her concerns with my simself. 
"I've got some things to say to this bitch."
T.. Calm down!
Of course she doesn't so I was unable to get the proper documentation of events.

T heads over to the Mcdonalds cause we are fancy here in this save and meets the bartender. Husband hunting is in full swing! He was married though so that was a waste of a day!
"Husband hunting isn't in full swing HW, we have a deal! I want Johnny,"

Back home she goes at midnight for some R&R. She gains cooking skill sooo slow it's annoying. 

But she did start her job today. For the jobs i went through every single money making thing in the game as well as the careers and decided on a few options. One of them is Writing books BUT there is a catch. You can only write 2 books a season (7days) and they can only be children or romance books. You also can't self publish them. 

Her fun meter was in the flaming hot red so off to the bar we went for some good ol people meeting and fun. She meets these two super cool ladies. They must be apart of the old lady gang because they just look so cool. 

I changed T aspiration and so now she wants to be a friend to the world which is awesome because every person she meets helps her aspiration BUT I was getting bored of watching her chit chat with all these people and starting looking around when I spot somebody very very special...
"..So then I said, I hate you HW.."
There is somebody really special outside, maybe you should focus less on hating me and more on your love interest.

Off T ran to Johnny. ♥
"Uh yes? Have I.. Do I know you?"
"It's me! Your wife from another save... You know?"
"Yeah, I gotta go..."
Interesting enough they built up to friends from only 4 interactions.. (Meant to be)
"That's all good and well but why doesn't he remember HW. We are meant to be."
Oh honey, you only know him because I saved you to my gallery. If I saved him too, he would know you I promise. 

We will leave this part here.. I feel so bad for my baby , she is really sad about Johnny not remembering her but not to worry. She has met him again now so all will be right with the world soon. See yall soon!


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