TS4 TPC - 1.1

Welcome back! Last update was an intro/getting into the challenge. We also met up with Johnny last update as well. Let's see what they have going on with each other. 

T invites Johnny over after her R&R. He thankfully comes right over and I couldn't be more excited. 
"Hey, you found the place alright?"
"Uh T.. You are the only house in this area and its a bright colored trailer at that."
"Oh my god HW I'm nervous!"

T nerves aside she hit jack pot with Johnny Boy.

He was quick to fall for her charms and become her boyfriend. 

I really need a nosy trait for this game because of course I was the first to message her about Johnny. 

No time for lovey dovey stuff though, ii's babymaking time. I have them do the nasty right away to start on those 4 pregnancies AND to test out how imma do weddings....

"Look HW, I'm pregnant!"
I see that love bug. I am so proud of you! Now, go tell Johnny. 

And she does. He has the same reaction he had in my Sliding Doors save... I can never tell if it's good or bad but hes stuck now! MUHAHAH.

No time to waste, T pops the question.
"Johnny baby, I don't love you yet but we're gonna have a baby. It's now or never on this marriage."
"That was the least romantic thing you've could of said but I'll be there!!"

I plop down a wedding venue and have them check it out. T seems to think it's magical and it better be cause this wedding party cost us 1000+ dollars. 

Night wedding it is. T puts on her black dress on and invites all her friends..

Everyone sits in the back because thats what cool kids do... You of course wouldn't have a proper redneck wedding without some party crashers. Shout out to the 5 random townies that stood outside the bushes looking at the wedding LOL.


My simself finally makes it, late, but shes there. She stands in the back because all of the good seats are taken. 

Johnny beelines for my simself and T isn't happy about it. Seriously be talked to me the whole night and Tanya followed him with her eyes the whole time. Is that a hidden jealousy trait??

T, double fisting drinks at ya wedding while pregnant isn't okay.
"Bug off. It's hot, late, this dress is tight. I'll do what I want."
On that note.. The wedding went smashing.

The party started at 835pm, it ended at 942am... The newlyweds were beat!

With Johnny moved in he had to quit his job. Tanya will make money for the family with her book writing.. Only 2 books a season but hopefully it gets them buy until the yard sale this summer. 

After some rest T watches the season premier of some show and enjoys it a lot!! I love seasons so much.

Apparently my simself is a hoe... Wow Chey.

With belly in full view they go to the only place in town, the pub, for a date ♥

First broken thing in the house!!

T hates pregnancy just as much as last time so she heads over to the vendor for a donut. It induces labor for her which is yay!

Per the rules, Johnny brought in a bit of money so they built a shed. Cars aren't a thing yet so I had to sub it with something and having a shed to keep shit seemed like a good idea for extra money you get. 

Cole Mata was born! He came out with the black skin again... I think imma change it to green though cause I just don't understand where the black is coming from...

Off to make another baby cause 4 pregnancies is no joking matter around here. 

"I'm pregnant again HW! Another baby!"
I know love, you have 2 more pregnancies to go and then you can be done!

They got some updates on with they house so yay them!

My simself popped up on them which was cool I guess. She came to impress. CoughHoeCough

Because of rules it's time for puppies!!!

Teddy is the one being held and Luna is the one in the background. ♥

Thats it this update. T is pregnant. Cole is due to grow up anyday now... This is a fantastic beginning to this challenge. 


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