A Dynasty - Intro

 Welcome to my Dynasty challenge. This challenge is a 100 generation challenge of a bunch of different challenges all in one while trying to over populate the world with these group of sims and their off spring. 

The first challenge I have up is Boomtown. It was a sims 2 challenge that I half assed converted to sims 4. Basically I will start off with 4 sims in poverty with no college education and they will do their best to make the most money and get to upper class. This runs for 5 generations. 

With me playing this in the sims 4 it is bound to drive me crazy as we all know I am a sims 2 STAN but sims 4 deserves some love too. Now lets get into the intros for the 4 crazy sims that will be partaking in making a 100 generation dynasty.

First up we have James Haven
*Chief of Mischief

Autumn Stallkamp
*Freelance Botanist

Dulce Kirkpatrick
*Public Enemy
*Squeamish/Green Fiend/Erratic

Brandi Delaney
*Master Maker

All of these sims were randomized. Every single piece of them. With that being said we will be starting off with Brandi. I have never used the new aspiration Master Maker so lets see what this is about. 
Also, no founder of this challenge can have a job they must be self made. With that being said Ms. Brandi here will make money recycling. I have never done it before so we shall see how well that works out for her, she might end up being poor for the rest of her life lol. Obviously the dynasty wouldn't be about her if that was the case. 


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