Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.10

 Welcome back to KUWTD!

The moment of truth was finally here. All I could hope for was a boy. I didn't want to end up like so many other of my friends and be disqualified. 

Fates were kind  and I had a boy. Roberto! He would do our family proud.

I was also still getting promoted at work and making decent money. We were by no means the richest family.

My husband was now making more then I, who knew that being a mime paid so well. Entertainment pays I guess.

I didn't want to miss my sons birthday so I rushed home and made it just in time. 

Oh he was so beautiful. I knew the other members would be banging my door down for a chance. 

Granted I had a girl but I was hopeful, no actually, I KNEW my daughter would be picked by the best. I would make sure of it.

I worked tirelessly on her skills. No man would want to marry some dumb bimbo. She would be smart, beautiful and someone a man would be proud to have on his arm.

My husbands position put me in high places. It also made me very desirable. 

"I think if I seduce him we will secure a spot with his son."
"I don't love the idea but I agree with you."

Like I said, desirable. He had a boy and if I wanted my daughter to be picked I had to do what I had to do. 

While I worked on him my husband worked on a co-worker of his. He was in a high position then her and it looked like he would win the race, power was a wild thing when you were trying to win a dynasty.

But my daughter was getting older and I had a lot of freetime on my hands. I decided to get a job among the people. If they saw me more like them and relatable my daughter might have a bigger chance at winning this thing for us yet. 

Just as we thought my husband did end up winning and for good reason.

Kids grow up way to fast for me and in a different lifetime I would have had many more. My daughter was now a child.

It didn't take long for me to get that promotion and I knew I would be on my face. Everyone loves ice cream and now my job was to get inside peoples head. Of course it was JUST ice cream but when you are selling something people love and it makes them happy, you make them happy.


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