Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.11

 Welcome back! Last time we saw the Red Family working overtime to secure a spot in r2 for their daughter. Lets see if they were successful.

Now what I don't want is for everyone to think I am crazy but I am telling you, husband won the race simply off of me and this ice cream. I mean of course he is charismatic and likeable, blah blah but he won because of me!

If I am being honest, if you can trap them with honey, or fancy promotions, trap them with shit.. Gossip, life ending things. I watched this woman be woo'd by this man for hours at my house. I never spoke a word about it but I have it in picture form. If all else fails, please believe I WILL use this.

And here we are. My dear husband is now a congressperson. It was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears but here we are. Everything should be smooth from here. Of course we would have been perfect if my husband would've gave me a son but I will win with the cards I am dealt regardless. 

I lost the race. It wasn't even close. I also was no fool, this man offered me a nice little job as his military know it all with a nice pay raise but I knew it came at the price of my son. 

I am ashamed to admit, I took it. My family needed the money, especially seeing as my husband still hadn't got a call back about that science lab job. That was his dream but being a host at a popular restaurant wasn't going to do you any favors. 

Now a waiter yipee. Do I sound excited?

After so much time my husband FINALLY got his chance. He was only an assistant for now but he had what it took to make it their. 

I was promoted as well. I ran a lot of special missions for my congressperson. I was gone from home for days at a time.

The faithful day finally was upon us. My kids were growing up.

Everett (our heir)


"Again mama! Again"

It was a good day when my son Everett brought home the Red girl. Everything was going according to plan in our household.

My husband had a few set backs but he was back where he started.

The earliest I can remember was being in my moms arms on a regular morning. She was singing to me and everything in life was good.

I also remember my parents arguing all the time. My mom was always telling my dad he was a fuck up.


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