Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.34

 Welcome back!

I guess Arnold is pregnant. AGAIN

Wait wait wait.. So was his wife? WTF

Anywho this family has another little boy they name Bruce. To the FC he goes. 

These two are still so in love.

Or maybe Aliss was just being nice because Arnold was going into labor.

He has twins and honestly why do we need that..

Welp I'm slacking and didn't get the names but I am pretty sure he had two girls. They are wonderful

Mi'Chelle quickly quits.. I just wanted to test out the story progression mod. It is awesome just not for this type of game play.

Who's house are we at right now?

Wade... The Mccanns? OH yeah thats right. Wade gets a job as a cement mixer. 

Over to the Fallen, Hayden invites over Keisha. 

They don't do anything crazy, just played on their switches.

So close so close. 

Hayden caught wind of Keisha having a boyfriend that nobody knew about so he has moved on.

"I could give you a makeover mom. You look outdated and tired."
"Wow my daughter is regina..."

The Mean Girl queen or not Claudia invites over Terrence for a botty call. 

Papa bear gets home just as they make it to the bed but he got a promotion so he will probably play some chess to relax and celebrate.

They do woohoo though since they weren't going to get caught. 


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