Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.7

 Welcome back, in this episode we are going to be running two episodes. It's all about saving space.

If only I was able to be half as relaxed as my husband. 

I don't know what it is about me but I was often picked on. I couldn't wait to have my child and prove everyone wrong. Most of the families were catty. I mean this was a competition at the end of the day but it was over something none of us could control. 

I guess it didn't help that I was spying.

My husband worked a basic job. We didn't make any money and honestly we were probably the poorest. 

Everything changed though when a customer of my husband offered him a job at the hospital. Talk about an upgrade. 

Okay maybe this place wasn't sooo bad. I was starting to make some friends. 

Plus my husband and I were finally comfortable. 

With a lot of work and studying my husband got a promotion that really had us swimming. 

The day finally came and I went into labor. 

I had a beautiful boy I named Terrence. 

Time moves way to fast here and soon it was my sons birthday. He was a very handsome boy.


My husbands job put us in the perfect position. He had to write about everything going on in town and we often had alll the hot gossip 

Of course we were also pregnant, like most of the ladies. 

My husband and I tried our best to keep up with our hobbies 

Soon though his title changed and we no longer knew what was going on around town. Instead my husband wrote about the newest hottest movies. 

Before we knew it our little bundle of joy was coming. I couldn't wait to find out what we got. I was seriously hoping for a boy!

Tune in next time to find out if Leon and Beth have a boy or girl!


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