Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.8

 Welcome back! On this episode we shall find out if Beth has a boy or girl!

"You did it honey! Gosh you are so amazing!"
After hours of pain I finally gave birth to a beautiful boy. Lawrence Ramsey

But the world never sleeps and it was back to work I went. Without much trouble, thanks to me working out throughout my entire pregnancy, I was promoted to Flight Officer. 

I was a very busy woman. I was always getting phone calls about impending doom.

This of course distracted me long enough that I almost burned my house and superior down.

My husband didn't have a bad job by any means but I felt as he got higher in the ranks his job became more boring. 

The day I was waiting for, my son became a toddler. He looked so much like me it brought tears to my eyes. Well it would've if I was an emotional woman. 

My husband worked tirelessly to train him up. We needed him to be tip top to ensure our spot in round 3 after all.

"Honey, do you think we will have a boy and secure our spot in R2?"
"Honestly love I am not hopeful."

My husband, always the glass half empty type of person. I wanted to be like Beth. She was the first to get a job and had everything I wanted. 

After applying around I get an offer from Build Inc. I was only a cement mixer for right now but I knew I would make promotion soon.

And right I was. Within a few months, pregnant and all, I was promoted to a brick layer. Wasn't that much of a difference but I made a little more.

My husband was moving up as well. He was everyones favorite drive thru clerk.

We were quickly becoming popular around town. 

I finally had my own crew. It was hard thought because I was pregnant and still had to keep my performance up. I couldn't wait for maternity leave. 

And it came just in time. 

I was blessed with two babies. I could only hope for a boy as my first born.

Fate wasn't kind to me though and I soon found out I had two little girls.

WELLLLL, this is getting interesting. We are almost finished and soon everyone will have had their kids and we will know who is going to round 2. 


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