Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.20

 Welcome Back! On todays episode we will meet the Red's newest accidental love baby as well as see our first teenager.

Sabrina gives birth and is instantly disappointed. A part of her just knew she would have a boy but that was not the case. 

Noemi was born and though she was sure to be beautiful she held no capital. The family put her up for adoption.

The pregnancy was very hush hush and the family continued their lives like normal.

Normal is as normal does, it is Isabellas birthday. She was becoming a teenager today. 

She grew up so beautiful! She likes blonde hair and Charisma... I don;t know of any of the boys in town that fit that but we can only hope. 

Wanting to be an overachiever Isabella gets a job as a Dog Groomer

Aliss is making friends all over town. 

Her poor husband got struck by lighting and all he wanted to do was lose weight lol.

Everett maxs his charisma skill. 


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