Keeping up with the Dynasty - 1.2

 Welcome back! Last time we finished the first days of the sims and now we are moving on to the Red Family and their first full season.

"The challenge has officially started. I had an idea that I was pregnant and I was praying every night it was a boy. I mean this whole thing was my idea. I couldn't lose on the first round."
*Remember those words..*

"I had my first pop and I felt pretty good. I wondered how the other ladies would handle their pregnancies."

"My husband got a promotion and was bringing in a bit more money"

"You could often catch me on the phone with some of the other girls, talking about our pregnancies."

"Another promotion for my husband. He was really making real change in our community now. Plus the hours weren't bad at all"

"This pregnancy was taking forever. My husband and I were anxious to find out the gender of our baby."

"My lovely husband got another promotion. He works longer hours but he is making decent money. Our child will have a good life. A better one if its a boy."

"The moment of truth!"

"My heart dropped when I had a little girl. We named her Isabella. I was dreading for my husband to come home."

"He didn't seem to mind too much. He was in love either way."

"I painted a lot through my sad."

"I was still the best one I could be. I still loved my child I was just depressed we would not make it to the next round."

"I met the nicest older woman. She really helped me through my depression."

"Another promotion for my husband. The hours were much better and he was making great money now."

"I wished I could add this woman to my household."

"Today was my baby girls big day. We were waiting for her daddy to get home before her birthday."

"We didn't throw a birthday party. I just couldn't face the other ladies so it was just a private affair."

Isabella Lopez

"I was glad my husband was bent out of shape about having a girl. He just seemed so excited and happy to have a child. I know for a while we struggled and this was the way to get the child we wanted but I just couldn't find the happiness in this situation. No dynasty for us, at least not directly."


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