Badaboom 1

Hey everyone, here we go again with another challenge. I tried this challenge before and failed miserably, I had way too many babies too fast and I got stressed out, now that I've gotten better at the sims 2 and have a flow I thought, why not try this challenge again. It is a simple enough challenge and should be faster then the other challenges I have going (bacc)

I have some sims you might already know, My simself and Strawberry! I wanted to see how their genes would mix and what kind of kiddos they will have. 

Strawberry gets a job in the military, in this life he is still a romance sim but toned down a bit. My simself has lost all good thought for she has 2 bolts with him, but then again who doesn't.

I am playing this challenge in my Freeplay neighborhood, I have quite a few personal challenges going in this hood so it's as good as any. The welcome wagon stops by to say hello and it has a nice mix of playables and townies. I should also mention all kids that grow up or get on my nerves will be turned into townies to live their days out in this crazy hood. 

Right off the bat Simself gets pregnant. (yes, that is what I named her). She is having a horrible time, she throws up a lot but her needs stay pretty even, as in her comfort doesn't tank every 5 minutes. 

First pop.

The computer breaks the first dang day, so I send Strawberry, who has 1 mechanical skill point, off to fix it. Him and Cheyenne were off to woohoo (again) when I told him to fix, so imagine being electrocuted butt naked. 

The first baby makes it's appearance.

Everyone meet Annabell Badaboom.

Strawberry is doing fairly well in his career and they have a nice little 'for a rainy day' fund. 

YOU GUYS I FOUND THE COOLEST PIECE OF FURNITURE EVER. This dang window has a menu that lets you open and close it at will. Like whatttt? I didn't know that was a thing. 

Anyway, now that I'm done geeking, it is time for little Annabell birthday.

She is so cute, like really really cute. 

Wasting no time, because we need 24 babies, Simself is pregnant again. 

Strawberry teaches Annabell how to talk outside in the rain, good parenting Strawberry.

Strawberry meets my other simself in town, yes she lives here and has a wonderful life with her ex boyfriend (dont ask but think of a nervous subject situation.) Strawberry actually has 3 bolts with this version of myself but only 2 with his WIFE. SMH

Simself complains about the baby stuff but is consistently rolling baby wants. 

Everything in this house is breaking oh my god. 

Strawberry works on his skills for work while his wife...

Gives birth to their second child. 

Another little girl they name Becky. 

Apparently no one can keep their hands off of Strawberry. They are back at it.

He gets another promotion and like he is doing so well. 

It is little Annabell birthday and I am excited to see how she turns out as a child. 

She grows up Stunning. Thank goodness for my simself and being able to produce good looking children!

I send Cheyenne out to greet some walk bys so we can have enough friends for Strawberry's promotions. 

We take Becky over to the cake but it doesn't go well and she doesn't age up. Grrr. 

Apoc Apoc takes the baby from the floor and Becky is having non of it. Apparently she isn't a supernatural lover. 

We finally get her to age up at the cake and she turns out a cutie too. 

The siblings get along so well and it is so cute. 

But it is time to teach Becky her skills, she learns how to walk and talk and go potty all on her first day of toddlerhood. This seems like a good place to end things. When we get back to this save hopefully their will be a few more babies and some BOYS. 

2/24 children
2 girls


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