Homestead - Holland

Told from Sarena point of view.

My little girl was growing everyday, I couldn't believe how big she was getting. Tomorrow would be her first birthday and it made me wonder where time was going. 

I threw a formal party for her birthday and I met a man name Shiloh. Apparently he came here after Keenan and I moved out. 

My sister was of course there and she met Ngozi. 
Ireena: Oh sis she is beautiful. I can't wait for Om to have a playmate.
Sarena: I can't wait either!

Everyone enjoyed the party so much and I was proud. 

Finally it was my baby girls birthday. 

She was too tired for pictures so we put her to bed for the night. We then tended to our garden for the year. 

I was still head over heels for my husband and we loved our daughter so much we decided to have another. We wanted a little boy next time. 

Here she is. Ngozi Holland.

She loved watching me in the garden. We were planting strawberries this growing season even though we were a little late getting it done. 

The throwing up started soon after and I knew I was pregnant. I couldn't wait to tell my husband. 

My husband was doing great in his career and often came home with a promotion. 

He still always made time for little Ngozi. She was learning to walk and boy was it a feat. 

I had my first pop very early in the morning while once again throwing up. I hoped this would be a boy but if not we would have another.

The oddest thing happen, a strange lady from the magic district (where me and my sister are from) dropped a lamp off. No one in my town had ever gotten a lamp so I was curious what this was about. 
A genie came out and told me I had three wishes. I didn't know what to wish for so I wished to never be sick again, I wished to understand plants better for a better harvest and I wished for lifetime of happiness. 

Then THIS HAPPEN. I was what my sister called a 'plant sim' what the heck is that!

I definitely understood plants better. 

My friend Christy came over to help me understand this better. She had lived among plantsims before and she told me some crazy things. 

I didn't let that slow me down though, I kept teaching my daughter her skills.

Then, just like Christy said, I had a spore baby. 

A little girl named, Muirenn Holland. She was beautiful, hauntingly so.

My husband loved her like his own. He treated her no different from her sister Ngozi. 

4 Homesteads
4 Businesses
12 playables

Jobs Available:
Architect: 0/1
Business 1/3
Law Unlocked
Criminal 0/3


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